A rigorous mathematical approach to identify a set of design alternatives and selecting the best candidate from within that set, engineering optimization was developed as a means of helping engineers to design systems that are both more efficient and less expensive and to develop new ways of improving the performance of existing systems.
Thanks to the breathtaking growth in computer technology that has occurred over the past decade, optimization techniques can now be used to find creative solutions to larger, more complex problems than ever before. As a consequence, optimization is now viewed as an indispensable tool of the trade for engineers working in many different industries, especially the aerospace, automotive, chemical, electrical, and manufacturing industries. In Engineering Optimization, Professor Singiresu S Rao provides an application oriented presentation of the full array of classical and newly developed optimization techniques now being used by engineers in a wide range of industries. Essential proofs and explanations of the various techniques are given in a straightforward, user-friendly manner, and each method is copiously illustrated with real-world examples that demonstrate how to maximize desired benefits while minimizing negative aspects of project design. Comprehensive, authoritative, up-to-date, Engineering Optimization provides in-depth coverage of linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, and stochastic programming techniques as well as several break through methods, including genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, and neural network-based and fuzzy optimization techniques. Designed to function equally well as either a professional reference or a graduate-level text, Engineering Optimization features many solved problems taken from several engineering fields, as well as review questions, important figures, and helpful references. Engineering Optimization is a valuable working resource for engineers employed in practically all technological industries. It is also a superior didactic tool for graduate students of mechanical, civil, electrical, chemical and aerospace engineering. If you want to buy this book online, kindly click on the following link: |
About the Author: | |||||
Singiresu S Rao, PhD, is a professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. He earned his doctorate from Case Western Reserve University and has extensive teaching and research experience at Purdue University, San Diego State University, Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur), and NASA Langley Research Center. Dr. Rao has published more than 125 technical papers in internationally reputed journals and more than 100 papers in conference proceedings in the areas of engineering optimization, reliability-based design, fuzzy systems, active control of structures, concurrent design, and vibration engineering. His previous books include Optimization: Theory and Applications, The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Mechanical Vibrations, and Reliability-based Design. Dr. Rao has edited several conference proceedings and served as the Conference Chairman and Papers Review Chairman for the ASME Design Automation Committee and as an Associate Editor for the ASME Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design. Currently, he is on the editorial boards of Engineering Optimization, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, and Microelectronics and Reliability.
Contents: | |||||
Author: Singiresu
Publisher: New Age
ISBN-13: 9789395161800
Language: English
Binding: Paper Back
Product Edition: 2023
No. Of Pages: 780
Country of Origin: India
International Shipping: No
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