
We are all aware how quickly languages appear and vanish in the computing world. Only the best survive. The fact that C++ came into existence in eighties and is still going strong proves its strength beyond doubt. This book is about appreciating C++’s strengths concepts like Objects, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, virtual functions, etc. are difficult to master. The learning curve is steep at least to begin with. Hence you need to learn it a concept at a time. And when you do so you need a mechanism to find out how much of it you have understood. This is a book that addresses precisely this need. It highlights the various features of C++ through questions. Answers are furnished for each question to illustrate key point.

Table Of Contents:


Chapter 1 : Introduction To OOP

Chapter 2 : Graduating To C++

Chapter 3 : ?Functions

Chapter 4 : Classes In C++

Chapter 5 : The C++ Free Store

Chapter 6 : ?Miscellaneous Class Issues

Chapter 7 : Inheritance

Chapter 8 : Virtual Functions

Chapter 9 : Input / Output In C++

Chapter 10 : Advanced Features

Chapter 11 : Templates

Chapter 12: Exception Handling
