Chapter 1 Free Oscillations of Systems with one Degree of Freedom: Simple Harmonic Motion
Chapter 2 Superposition of Harmonic Oscillations
Chapter 3 Free Damped Oscillations
Chapter 4 Forced Oscillations and Resource
Chapter 5 Coupled Oscillations
Chapter 6 Normal Modes of Continuous Systems: Fourier Method
Chapter 7 Wave Motion
Chapter 8 Reflection and Standing Waves
Chapter 9 Modulations, Wave Group and Pulses
“This book is a comprehensive text for the undergraduate adn postgraduate students of physics. The presentation of subjects, the order of topics and the treatment is well suited to those who require a basic understanding of the subject. An attempt has been made to derive every formula from the fundamental laws of physics incorporating the details of mathematical steps and their logical necessity. At some places, generality and mathematical rigor have been sacrificed to make the chain of logic more distinct, clearly bringing out the physical reasoning. The treatment reads as physics rather than mathematics with mathematical arguments appearing only as tools to achieve physical understanding. The book uses Cartesian coordinates and SI units and includes a complete list of references at the end of the book. The concepts are illustrated by numerous worked out examples. Also included are carefully selected problems at the end of the chapters. In a lucid and simple style the book provides a systematic and through treatment of the subject which the student will have no difficulty in following.
Author: NK BAJAJ
Publisher: NK BAJAJ
ISBN-13: 9.78007E+12
Language: ENGLISH
No. Of Pages: 432
Country of Origin: India
International Shipping: Yes
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