Basic Communication Skills for Technology BY RUTHERFOORD (9788177584073)


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This book provides practical applications of writing in vocational/technical fields, Presenting clear, simplified explanations of key concepts and skills in written communication, Rutherfoord’s guide covers the writing process in a systems approach that integrates reading, planning, writing, and revising.

  • Table of Content

    PART 1 Foundation

    1. Audience
    2. Language and Style
    3. Organization

    PART 2 Writing Elements

    1. Technical Definitions
    2. Technical Descriptions
    3. Summaries
    4. Graphics
    5. Instructions
    6. Comparison and Contrast

    PART 3 Forms of Technical Communication

    1. Technical Reports
    2. Forms, Memos, and E-mail
    3. Business Letters
    4. Presentations
    5. The Job Search: Resumes and Letters

    Salient Features

    • Fourteen technical reading passages that introduce or demonstrate each writing topic.
    • Integration of reading, writing, spelling, word usage, and vocabulary exercises and assignments within each chapter.
    • Complete and independent grammar and mechanics units for flexible planning and individualized study.
    • Exercises and models using common technical vocabulary and concepts.
    • Explanations of concepts in language that is easy to understand and apply.
    • This book is designed to help readers gain a working knowledge of all the major skills for career-related communication, including e-mail, graphics, reports, business correspondence, presentations, job interviews, and resumes.
    • Updated reading passages to reflect current communication needs and practices.
    • Updated writing topics to reflect current trends in writing, including the use of e-mail, desktop publishing, and the Internet.
    • Updated chapter on report-writing (with sample reports) that introduces three common business/technical documents: the descriptive report, lab report, and proposal.
    • New assignments that require use of the Internet for research and communication.
    • New chapter on public speaking that introduces the basic techniques for preparing and delivering professional presentations and interviews.
    • New chapter on the job search that focuses on the electronic job search, preparation of traditional and electronic resumes, cover letters, and thank-you letters.

ISBN-13: 9788177584073
Language: ENGLISH
No. Of Pages: 399
Country of Origin: India
International Shipping: Yes

Additional information

Weight 0.617 kg


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