This Book will help students to understand programming and coding. It contains approximately 200 question with the solution on ?C language?. It covers all the topics of C like Input/Output, Decision Making, Iteration, Array, Function, Pointer, Structure, Union, File Handling, Dynamic memory Allocation etc.

?It covers all the questions which are important from the point of view of the interview and examinations. It will be helpful for students who wish to understand the coding skill.

Table of contents:

  1. How to give output?
  2. Basic input and output
  3. Use of the ternary statement
  4. Decision-making practice-if-else and switch case
  5. Looping/Iteration
  6. Use of goto
  7. Goto
  8. Patterns
  9. Use of string.h
  10. Array-1D and 2D
  11. Functions- call by value/ call by reference
  12. Pointer
  13. Structure
  14. Dynamic memory allocation
  15. File handling
  16. Bitwise operators
  17. Miscellaneous
  18. Extra questions