Specifications –
Portable Type
10 digits
Tax calculationAutomatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.
Solar & BatterySolar powered when light is sufficient, battery powered when light is insufficient.
Function command signsA symbol (+, -, ×, ÷) on the display indicates the status of operation you are currently performing.
Key rolloverKey operations are stored in a buffer, so nothing is lost even during high-speed input.
Extra Large displayLarger display makes more data easier to read.
Plastic keysDesigned and engineered for easy operation.
Profit margin percent” % ” key gives quick access to prices and profits, and also delivers add-ons, discounts, ratios and increase/decrease values.
Metal FaceplateTough cover stands up to rough treatment.
Author: Casio
Publisher: Casio
ISBN-13: 4.54953E+12
Country of Origin: India
International Shipping: Yes
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