GATE Electrical Engineering 2022 (9789354493645)


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This book has been prepared by a group of faculties who are highly experienced in training GATE candidates and are also subject matter experts. As a result this book would serve as a one-stop solution for any GATE aspirant to crack the examination. The book is divided into 8 units. Coverage is as per the syllabus prescribed for GATE and topics are handled in a comprehensive manner – beginning from the basics and progressing in a step-by-step manner supported by ample number of solved and unsolved problems. Extra care has been taken to present the content in a modular and systematic manner – to facilitate easy understanding of all topics.
  • Table of Content

    “Preface Key Pedagogical Features Syllabus: Electrical Engineering Chapter-wise Analysis of GATE Previous Years’ Papers General Information about GATE Solved Papers 2021 Electrical Engineering UNIT 1: SIGNAL AND SYSTEM Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Chapter 2: LAPLACE TRANSFORM Chapter 3: Z -TRANSFORM Chapter 4: CONTINUOUS TIME FOURIER ANALYSIS UNIT II : ANALOG AND DIGITAL Chapter 1: DIODE CIRCUITS Chapter 2: BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS Chapter 3: FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS Chapter 4: TRANSISTOR BIASING Chapter 5: AMPLIFIERS Chapter 6: DIFFERENTIAL AND FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Chapter 7: Operational Amplifiers Chapter 8: BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND MINIMIZATION OF FUNCTIONS Chapter 9: COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS Chapter 10: SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS Chapter 11: SAMPLE & HOLD, A/D AND D/A CIRCUITS Chapter 12: MICROPROCESSOR 8085 UNIT III : ELECTRIC CIRCUIT AND FIELDS Chapter 1: NETWORK ELEMENTS & BASIC LAWS Chapter 2: NETWORK THEOREMS Chapter 3: TRANSIENT ANALYSIS (AC & DC) Chapter 4: TWO PORT NETWORKS Chapter 5: RESONANCE Chapter 6: FILTERS AND FIELD THEORY UNIT 1V: ELECTRICAL MACHINES Chapter 1: TRANSFORMERS Chapter 2: PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY CONVERSION Chapter 3: DC MACHINES Chapter 4: INDUCTION MOTORS Chapter 5: SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES UNIT V: POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES Chapter 1: POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Chapter 2: AC TO DC CONVERTER (OR) RECTIFIERS Chapter 3: DC – DC CONVERTER (OR) CHOPPERS Chapter 4: RADIATION AND HEAT TRANSFER Chapter 5: HEAT EXCHANGER, BOILING AND CONDENSATION UNIT VI :Electrical and Electronic Measurements Chapter 1: Error Analysis and R, L, C Measurements Chapter 2: Electrical Measuring Instruments Chapter 3: Measurement of Power and Energy Chapter 4: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and Electronic Voltmeters Chapter 5: Magnetic Measurements and Transducers UNIT VII : Power Systems Chapter 1: Power System Generation, Transmission and Distribution Chapter 2: Fault Analysis Chapter 3: Load Flow Analysis and Protection Chapter 4: Power Systems Stability Chapter 5: HVDC and Facts UNIT VIII : Control Systems Chapter 1: Introduction to Control Systems Chapter 2: Time Response Analysis Chapter 3: Stability Analysis Chapter 4: Controller and Compensators Chapter 5: State Space Analysis ”

    Salient Features

    “Maximum Coverage/Explanations/Illustrations as per Latest Syllabus 920+ Solved Problems and 3100+ Practice Questions Elaborated Question Bank Covering Previous 20 Years’ GATE Question Papers Unit -wise Time -bound Tests 2021 GATE Online Paper with detailed solution”

Author: Pearson
Publisher: Pearson Education
ISBN-13: 9789354493645
Language: English
Binding: Paper Back
No. Of Pages: 1152
Country of Origin: India
International Shipping: Yes

Additional information

Weight 1.640 kg


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