It is designed to build the application right from the grass root? level. This Book is actually targeted to those people who are comfortable with ASP. NET MVC and Angular as this needs basic knowledge of both the technology. There has been a major shift between previous versions of ASP.NET MVC and current version of ASP.NET Core. Hence, readers are expected to have minimum working knowledge of ASP.NET Core. Throughout this book, you will be learning how to build Single Page Application right from the scratch. I would recommend you to download the app from Git Hub URL? Movie Review SPA Skeleton to help you while building the app. You will also learn tons of client/server technologies while building the app. Apart from this, you will also get good grasp on design patterns widely used across industries these days. Whole and soul motto of this book is to familiarize you with changing trend across the industry.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Getting Started
- Introduction
- What is SPA
- Technologies used to build SPA
- Glimpse of Movie Review App
- Glimpse of Movie Review Solution
- Summary
Chapter 2: Creating Solution from the Blank Slate
- Introduction
- Solution Creation
- Adding Project References
- Adding Packages
- Important Tools
- Data Technologies
- Creating Models
- Creating Entity Framework
- Creating Entity Framework Db Context Class
- Using Db Context Class
- Using Migrations
- Seeding the Database
- Implementing Repository Pattern
- Creating Unit of Work Pattern (UOW)
- Summary
Chapter 3: Implementing Web API
- Introduction
- Creating First Web API Controller
- Implementing HTTP Put Request
- Implementing HTTP Post Request
- Implementing HTTP Delete Request
- Improvising Web APIs
- Adding More Controllers
- Summary
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Angular JS
- Introduction
- Getting started with UI Design
- Installing Angular JS
- Creating First Angular Controller
- Data-Binding using Angular
- Retrieving Data from API
- Summary
Chapter 5: Deeper into Angular JS
- Introduction
- Angular JS Routing
- Adding More Routes
- Client side validation
- Saving Data using Angular
- Creating Angular JS Service
- Moving Add Feature in Service
- Creating Movie Edit Feature
- Creating Movie Remove Feature
- Summary
Chapter 6: Adding More Features using
- Angular JS
- Introduction
- Listing Reviews
- Creating Reviews
- Editing Reviews
- Deleting Reviews
- Introducing Authentication
- Introducing Authorization
- Implementing Search and Pagination
- Summary
Chapter 7: Unit Testing
- Introduction
- Testing Web APIs with QunitJS
- Writing Angular Test
- Using $http Backend Service
- Writing Controller Tests
- Self-Hosting with Kestrel
- Publishing on IIS
- Publishing with DNU or DOTNET
- Publishing on Azure
- Summary
Publisher: RAHUL SAHAY
ISBN-13: 9.78818E+12
Language: ENGLISH
No. Of Pages: 200
Country of Origin: India
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